Update on the last few meetings
Last two meetings were quite successful, the robot is now taking shape, the team started attaching electrical components, so we should soon be able to test actual driving. We have bought a tube for the “particle cannon”, and the team is trying to figure out how to attach it to the robot and how to bring the collected particles into the tube. It will still take a lot of work, and our first tournament is less than 3 weeks away.
On the programming side, we figured out how to use the new version of the system (the way opmodes are registered in the system has changed, and is now much easier, but it confused us for a while). Our programmers learned how to control the motors and servos using the x-box controllers, and we basically have a basic tank drive program, that can also put a servo into one of three position, determined my the buttons on the controller. Once the robot is operational, we will fine tune that to make it easier to drive, and add controls for other components. While the builders are getting the robot to a drivable state, we will work on learning how to program the autonomous mode.
In other news, the high-school team, Heritage HawkBots, have a new website.