Second Tournament

21 Oct 2016

Wednesday Meeting Recap

On Wednesday some of our programmers got a great start: we now have a fully updated Android Studio, we made changes in last years code to reflect some changes in the way motors and motor controllers are handled in the code this year, and we managed to compile the last years code in the new environment. The compiled code successfully installed on the robot phone.

We then built a simple experimental robot circuit with two motors, two servos and two touch sensors, and some of our programmers entered the configuration into the phone. The same programmers then updated our Hardware class to reflect the new configuration. Together we then wrote a simple opmode that should spin motor 1 when touch sensor 1 is pressed, and motor 2 when touch sensor 2 is pressed:

package com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller.opmodes;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.TouchSensor;

public class TeamTest extends Hardware

    public TeamTest ()


    @Override public void loop ()
        if (v_sensor_touch_1.isPressed())

        if (v_sensor_touch_2.isPressed())


The code compiled and installed on the phone. We did not get to test it, because it turned out the driver phone still had the old version of the driver app, and the two versions of apps refused to communicate to each other. I have since updated the app, and we will be testing the code today.

The builders continued working on the robot, and also made a great progress. They now have both drive motors connected to a motor controller, and the base is now nice and sturdy. They are getting ready to work on the particle picking mechanism. I have seen some pretty cool looking designs for that.

Second Tournament Assignment

Great news: we have been accepted to a second qualifier tournament, on December 3 in Kettering! That will give us an extra opportunity to apply all the stuff we will learn during our first tournament on November 12 in Midland. In addition to that, it gives us an additional chance to advance to the state tournament.

I am looking forward to see everybody in the afternoon!